Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PIANO + canada

so I watched Pan's Labyrinth the other day and I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK
does anyone have any sheet music for any songs that they could share? difficulty doesn't matter ; A ;
I have sheet music for one of the songs but they're so easy LOL;;;
and could anyone recommend some other nice piano pieceeessss, classical, modern, doesn't matter.

ok I love my country and all, and it's such a cute country (WHAT OTHER COUNTRY USES THEIR MILITARY TO SHOVEL SNOW LMAO) but I haaateee the winters.
today my dad backed up the car and somehow the front wheels got stuck in a ditch.
So we proceeded for the next HOUR to try and get the car out, which included him telling me to go and push the car (which didnt help at all because I'm too weak oTL;;; ), putting wood chips in front of the wheels, HOT WATER (not a good idea btw), etc.
luckily a bunch of his asian friends happened to be going to work and helped push it out.

since there's a looooot of ice here, when he got stuck in the ditch, it wasn't that big, but because of him attempting to accelerate and get out, the ice wore down and you could see the... pavement/ground under LOL
I was still like 40 mins late though;;;

sorry, no pics this post, may update with some later though? heheh o v o


  1. :0 oh. nice piano music?
    i got like, 4 books from korea. i should have gotten more in japan.

    but for some nice piano music, difficulty around like.. idno.. grade 6-9 ish level?:
    yuhki kuramoto and Yiruma.
    they have really nice songs ;0

    eheh.. we got another blizzard here so the snow's back up.

  2. I have a tooon of yiruma's, I really want some ryuichi sakamoto and classical ones /sob
    I havent heard of kuramoto though I'll look into thaat * O *

    it snowed a couple days ago, but it's really warm lately so the snow's melting anyways o v o
    I can see the yellow grass again! lol;;

    OH AND I GOT SICK THE DAY AFTER I TALKED TO YOU ON MSN AND YOU SAID "/cough I pass my sickness onto you" WTFFF

  3. ;A; It snowed like crazy here too ;A; more than a meter in some places ;A;

    I had to ride the bus to the mall...but... yeah...didn't turn out good.. haha
    but the mall made a new food court so that was all right! 8DD
    *whew* thank god it didn't snow when I was up there LOL

    Pan's Labrynth.. I wanna see it but my mum always says it looks too childish haha
